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Leave Adjustments

Leave Adjustments allow users to adjust leave amounts for "Allocation, Balance brought Forward, Accrued and Taken" balances of an employee. The leave adjustment must be approved to update the leave balance 

  1. The Leave Adjustment screen will load all active employees in the system.
  2. All leave adjustments that are not approved are loaded regardless of the date range chosen. Once adjustment has been approved it can be filtered by date.
  3. Leave balances will accumulate base on the adjustments. For example,
    1. Adjustment 1 was made with amount 15 for Annual Leave accrued. Allocation accrued is updated with amount as 15.
    2. Adjustment 2 was made with amount 5 for Annual Leave accrued. Allocation accrued is updated with amount as 20 (15+5).

Steps to create the a leave adjustment

  1. Click on the "Green Plus Sign". This will open the "Edit Form".
  2. Enter below details:
    1. Date - Select the date of adjustment
    2. Employee ID - Select the employee from the list
    3. Leave Code - Select the leave code from the list
    4. Description - Enter the reason of adjustment.
    5. Type - Select the leave value to be adjusted
    6. Adj. Hrs - Enter the hours to adjust
      1. Positive Hours will increase the leave value.
      2. Negative Hours will decrease the leave value.
    7. Save. Click on the "Save Icon".

Figure 1: Leave Adjustment Entry

Figure 2: Leave Date filters